
Winning & Losing

Day Trading - Learn to Win - Learn to Lose


The urge to learn is the urge to win, and this urge to compete and win belongs to everyone.

When you win, you satisfy your brain (dopamine, the chemical released in response to winning) and you feel good, having pleasurable emotions and conversations.

This drive to win is found in every cell of your being and underlies everything you do. It’s at the core of every business, every relationship, and every sporting game, including the game of day trading - and, you got it, the Day Traders Win

The drive to win is foremost the drive to survive (procreate and replicate – the continuation of the species). We do whatever we need to do to survive (win) - to stay alive long enough to pass on our genes, knowledge, and wealth - fighting, at times, to the death over mates, knowledge, and money.

We live competitively to fulfill our purpose – to survive, to learn, to have our needs and aspirations realized - then we use our success to help others survive, learn, and have their needs and aspirations met.

The challenge of learning and serving is what makes life worth while.

Yet we are never 100% satisfied. We always want more - to learn more, have more, and win more.

Winning helps us come close to being fully satisfied.

As winning is temporary, we always want more.At the very point of winning, there is frequently the thought of more winning.

Then we set out to accomplish or serve again, and that is usually followed by the thought of even greater challenges of winning.

Real satisfaction is the result of solving problems (learning), contributing with people (serving) = winning (whatever you choose to do in life).

For Traders, learning to win and winning itself give us our sense of purpose and fulfillment in living, as well, our sense of purpose and fulfillment while day trading stocks.
Winning, whatever your endeavor, makes us come alive.



Conversely, the fear of losing brings on unpleasant feelings of trader insecurity, anxiety, and stress.

Your nervous system releases another chemical (adrenaline) giving us a need to fight or to take flight.As we know, while trading, fear both prevents/delays an entry and you exit trades prematurely.

Trading a loser's game - you are distracted by emotions and other noise.

Trader resentment and anger in losing makes you want to recklessly get your money back - to get even.

All of these emotional distractions are drains on our energy and cause negative, disabling stress.

As you know, too much negative stress weakens the immune system, overburdens the heart, and, yes, excess stress can kill you.

In addition, if stress doesn't kill you, excess negative stress, like post traumatic stress syndrome (Vets returning from Iraq), the brain will just close down (and we don't want to go there in this conversation).Stress is as common as breathing.

You want to rid yourself of stress, lop your head off.

Now managing stress is another matter.

First, you want to distinguish between positive stress and negative stress.

Then, you must deal with any negative stress—any negative stress trading or doing anything else in your life. You know that.

Dealing with negative trading stress (losing) while enhancing positive trading stress (winning) is what we are here for - to quickly and powerfully help you manage who you are emotionally while you are trading stocks.

There is no other trading game I know of than the Day Traders Win game where losing can be so rewarding. (Not trading futures, not trading options, not swing trading, not investing, not any other trading venues –just day trading stocks.)

"What are you nuts, losing is rewarding?"

Yes, rewarding.

Our losing is so infrequent, so temporary, and we learn to make it so insignificant. You are now open for more opportunities to win.

Saying this another way. When we lose a trade in our game, it's small, fast, and fleeting - as we are now free emotionally and financially to move on to win again.

You learn to lose small with us and you're out - no brooding, no pain, no suffering - losing becomes just another step toward winning.

By the way, learning to lose like this may seem simple enough to do on your own - I don't recommend it.

It would be like learning to drop volley in tennis or successfully exiting sand traps in golf - on your own.

Not Possible.

Not going to happen.

Comments, questions, suggestion - post or private Email:

More Information:

Quotes - About Winning:“
How you think when you lose determines how long it will be until you win.”G. K. Chesterton

You have to know you can win. You have to think you can win. You have to feel you can win.”Sugar Ray Leonard

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