
Day Trader - Success

Day Trader — Success

Allow me to inform visitors reading this, for them to catch up on what we have been up to.

We are now into our third year of day trading NASDAQ and NYSE stocks.

If you asked me at launch time where we would be today, I would have given you the goal most day traders like - win 30%, lose 70% (the proverbial baseball player at bat analogy, repeated in day trading books, and at day trading seminars).

That we have consistent results just about the opposite - win 70% (frequently big time), and lose less than 30% (small time) - is amazing.

No one, not even me, and I’ve always been the vision guy, expected this level of success day trading stocks.
For us now, consistently winning is real.
Our innovatively designed day trading approach, perspective, system (game), day trading tools, and our day trading strategies, - along with our unique day trader consultant/coach-client relationships, and our day trading room - empower us to continue to learn to win - and for most, Consistently Win.
You did this with my help; I did this with your help.
We are a rare breed of independent, forward thinking traders who attain and maintain our competitive edge at the top of our day trading game, having a little fun in the process.

I thank everyone for making our success a reality. We have far exceeded our expectations.
Together we become more energized, profitable, wealthy, and powerful, as we continue on our winning ways while trading stocks.

Learning to trade well is about learning to relate well. Taking care of that most important relationship - you. Relating well and serving all the important people in our lives with what we have to offer with our new well-earned wealth.

As always, we’re open for suggestions to improve our day trading relationships, our Web site content and visitor value, trading room calls and guidance, our trade execution skills, and whatever else we set out to accomplish together - as consistently winning day traders.

What clients say:

"You are a rare trader. Your calls are spot on and you have a knack for finding stocks that are moving right now. Your bus motto "if it ain't movn why get on?" can help any trader learn to win the day trading game - every day, in all markets." RS

"I appreciate taking my losses because they set me free for the wins." JP
"I feel liberated from having to be right all the time. In the flow, in the groove. In control. And, finally, in the money." PD
"Thank you very much for accepting me as your student. It is a pleasure and honor to be trading with you in the trading room. My years of dreaming to be a winner are over. Regards." MK
"This work has helped me enormously. To find and move forward on my path to be a successful day trading winner was just a dream. It's now a reality. Thanks" JM
"For years I have tried to make money in the markets trading just about everything including stocks only to lose over and over. Some would say I have lost a small fortune. Not anymore. We're turning my trading ship around. You helped me break through the noise and lots of the old stuff about trading. I now feel I have an opportunity to win like this every day - wow!" DG
"Trading with you and using this simple approach, I feel less stress, more in control, and miles ahead of the crowd. So I have found a new home for trading. I'm a happy day trading puppy." JD
"I love trading like this. I'm so lucky to have found you. We get em tomorrow. Making moooolaaaa." FP

"I don't think there is any greater exercise for me than learning to day trade and knowing you. It's not really about the money. It's about the exercise of strengthening intuition evoked by awareness. What a trip!" BA
"Frankly I thought this was going to be another trading group to waist more time and money. Man was I wrong. I want to thank you for helping me learn to trade this way. JM
“For me, this is like the ultimate game.” WP

(Consultant’s client confidentiality maintained, as required. Names cannot be revealed, sorry. Also, I have jazzed up the fonts, however the comments are factually documented.)

Post comments, questions, suggestions.

Additional information: www.daytraderscoach.com/


Day Trading Tools

Day Trading Tools

Most trading is done emotionally charged, out of control, and frustrating as consistently losing is the norm. From this stressful and financially draining experience of not winning, few traders ever see the possibility for long term success - becoming a winner.

Losing or producing boring, mediocre returns is the guaranteed outcome of not having the following:

* A winner's attitude and perspective,
* A winning system with the tools, strategies, and disciplined execution skills,
* Plus a day trading coach to help you bring these together - in a learning program that gives you the opportunity to become a consistent winner.

Yet 20% of the traders continue to win - on the backs of the 80% who lose – one of which I was, and one of which you may be.


First, losers trade the game (approach, system, and strategy - whatever) that losers persistently continue to play.

Second, losers focus pervasively on the money – not learning, not winning, and not seeking advice and support of a world-class consultant and coach (like as aspiring tennis player or golfer) to become a winner.

And, third, losers insist on trading on their own, in part from arrogance, and in part from innocence - not knowing there is another game being played by winners, not aware of the value of working with a learning coach, and not using a trading room to learn to win with their coach and other traders.

So, 80% of the traders look at things through a very small window. From this window, market and stocks opportunities seem closed in and, at the same time, uncontrollable and unpredictable.

It’s a place where choices seem few while stress and anxiety seem so plentiful. Amidst all the despair and chaos, losers seem to find only occasional moments of money making, which are fleeting and often followed with a thoughts of “Is that all there is?” or “What’s it going to take to be a winner?”.

The Day Traders Win approach, system, and tools applied with a coach in a day trading room provide a truly unique learning experience. You connect only with what you need to know and use to become a consistent winner.

Our program of services enables you to make positive changes in how you think, in how you make decisions, and in how you execute trades. We have a fresh, powerful yet simplified way of trading – the game, strategies, and tools - that can change your day trading reality forever.

We have a day trading approach that can turn your trading lights on - soon removing the darkness of losing so you avoid the noise and begin to clearly see what it's going to take to be a winner.

Imagine getting to the point where you actually welcome obstacles, the noise, losing, and the stress - without skipping a beat - because you know they are just closed doors you can open with our learning program to find plenty of opportunities to win. How powerful would that be?

How valuable would it be for you to displace your mind’s endless, limiting chatter with calm, intuitive, and financially effective thinking and execution – the thinking of a winner?

You can learn to hush negative, useless chatter that depletes your energy, causes you to be unfocused and leaves you out of control and energy depleted - and overall, prevents you from seeing real opportunities for winning.

You want to achieve your day trading goals? All success comes with change - personal, emotional, and mental change. Old habits displaces with new habits. Incompetencies displaced with effective, competent, disciplined action - the confidence and performance of a consistent winner.

Think about any great invention, discovery, or a new way to do something that’s transformational.

It takes going against the tried and true, going against the logic of crowd think - going against the grain. Much of our trading is exactly about that.

We have developed, invented, a new and very financially powerful way of day trading that allows us to meet and exceed our trading goals seemingly beyond imagination or belief.

Change, learning, does not come easily - as you know.

You want to change your attitude and mood from that of a loser with low self-esteem to that of a winner with a sense of being energized and in complete control of what's controllable - all the while, feeling more competent and alive?

Losing and low self-esteem result from not dealing with your most basic fears and incompetencies.

True confidence (your sense of self-worth as a trader) is the reward for having courage, patience, and doing the work needed with your coach to break through fears and build you trading confidence and competence to have unlimited opportunities for winning and wealth building.

This is what we are up to. Helping want-to-be winners see the big picture, play a game winners play, and have the day trading tools to observe, decide, and execute beyond imagination.

All traders really need to do to be successful in this learning program is to manage their energy and mood and just be willing to learn to trade - with a vision to learn to be a consistent winner.

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